Steel Buildings in Europe

Part 2: Concept Design 2 - 18 3.2 Le Seguana, Paris Le Seguana is a 25000 m 2 office developm ent on the banks of the Seine in Paris, shown in Figure 3.3. It consists of colu mn free spaces of 18 m  36 m and is fully air conditioned. The constr uction was completed in 22 months to programme and budget, including the er ection of 2000 tonnes of structural steelwork in only 12 weeks. Figure 3.3 Le Seguana buildings, Paris, during construction Stability for the structure was provided by a combination o f steel braced cores and slip-formed concrete cores. The strategy for air conditioning involved local control for every 12 m 2 of floor space. This dem anded a larg e number of ducts , which were accomm odated within the cellular beams, as illustrated in Figure 3.4. Figure 3.4 Ducts emanating from central plant room – providing locally controlled environment