Steel Buildings in Europe

Part 3: Actions 3 - 11 6.3 Reduction due to the number of storeys For the design of columns and walls, loaded from several storeys, the total imposed loads on the floor of each storey should be assumed to be distributed uniformly. For columns and walls, the total imposed loads may be reduced by a factor  n , for categories A to D, where:  n = 0 2 ( 2)  n n   where:  0 is is the factor as defined in EN 1990 Annex A1 Table A1.1. n is the number of storeys (> 2) above the loaded structural elements in the same category. The National Annex may give an alternative method. 6.4 Horizontal loads on parapets The characteristic values of the line loads q k acting at the height of the partition walls or parapets but not higher than 1,20 m should be taken from EN 1991-1-1 Table 6.12, which provides recommended values. Other values may be given in the National Annex. For areas susceptible to significant overcrowding associated with public events (stages, assembly halls, conference rooms), the load should be taken according to category C5 from EN 1991-1-1 Table 6.1. For office buildings (category B), the recommended value from EN 1991-1-1 Table 6.12 is: q k = 0,2 to 1,0 kN/m The National Annex may define other values.