Steel Buildings in Europe

Part 4: Detailed Design 4 – 17  Loads are due to plant or machinery  Loads are due to storage. Appropriate account must be taken of the eccentricity of the line of shear through the simple beam to column connections. Figure 3.1 and Table 3.1 show the nominal moments that have traditionally been considered in different European countries. It is recommended that eccentricities are adopted that align with traditional practice in the country concerned, in order to ease the regulatory approval process. The moments are low and have only a modest implication in final column design. As a further concession to simplicity, designers are not required to consider pattern live loading effects in simple construction. Moments are not introduced into the column when the column is subject to symmetrical reactions and the column is therefore designed for axial force alone. Often, only columns on the edge of the structure will have unbalanced reactions. Most columns within a regular column grid will be designed for axial force only. h h /2 R R b1,Ed b1,Ed e e t w /2 t w Figure 3.1 Nominal moments from floor beams