Steel Buildings in Europe

Title A.3 Worked Example – Simply supported, secondary composite beam 4 of 10 4 – 74 To take into account the troughs of the profiled steel sheeting, the weight of the slab is taken as: 25  3,0            0,058 2 0,101 0,062 0,12 5 = 7,2 kN/m Self weight of the beam: (36,1  9,81)  10 -3 = 0,354 kN/m Permanent load: G k = 0,354 + 7,2 + 0,75 × 3,0 = 9,80 kN/m Variable load (Imposed load): Q k = 2,5  3,0 = 7,50 kN/m 3.6. ULS Combination:  G G k +  Q Q k = 1,35  9,80 + 1,50  7,50 = 24,48 kN/m EN 1990 § Bending moment diagram M 172,13 kNm Maximum moment at mid span : M y,Ed = 0,125  24,48  7,50 2 = 172,13 kNm Shear force diagram V 91,80 kN Maximum shear force at supports: V Ed = 0,5 × 24,48 × 7,50 = 91,80 kN Section classification: The parameter ε is derived from the yield strength: 0,81 355 235 235 y    f  EN 1993-1-1 Table 5.2 Note: The classification is carried out for the non composite beam. For the composite beam, the classification is more favourable. 3.6.1. Section classification Outstand flange: flange under uniform compression c = ( b – t w – 2 r ) / 2 = (135 – 6,6 – 2 × 15)/2 = 49,2 mm c / t f = 49,2 / 10,2 = 4,82 ≤ 9  = 7,29 Flange Class 1 EN 1993-1-1 Table 5.2