Steel Buildings in Europe

Title A.4 Worked Example – Simply supported, primary composite beam 5 of 13 4 – 85 ULS Combination:  G F G +  Q F Q = 1,35 × 62,78 + 1,50 ×45,0 = 152,25 kN  G q G +  Q q Q = 1,35 × 0,65 = 0,877 kN/m Eq. (6.10) is used. In some countries, the National Annex may specify the use of equations (6.10a) and (6.10b). EN 1990 § ULS Combination during the construction stage:  G F G +  Q F Q = 1,35 × 49,28 + 1,50 ×13,5 = 86,78 kN  G q G +  Q q Q = 1,35 × 0,65 = 0,877 kN/m Bending moment diagram M 456,6 kNm Figure A.9 Bending moment diagram at ULS in the final stage Maximum moment at mid span: M y,Ed = 3,0 × 152,25 + 0,125 × 0,877 × 9,0 2 = 465,6 kNm Maximum moment at mid span (sequence of construction): M y,Ed = 3,0 × 86,78 + 0,125 × 0,877 × 9,0 2 = 269,2 kNm Shear force diagram V 156,20 kN Figure A.10 Shear force diagram at ULS in the final stage Maximum shear force at supports: V Ed = 152,25 + 0,5 × 0,877 × 9,0 = 156,20 kN Maximum shear force at supports (sequence of construction): V Ed = 86,78 + 0,5 × 0,877 × 9,0 = 90,73 kN 4.3.3. Section classification: The parameter  is derived from the yield strength: 0,81 355 235 235 y    f  Note: The classification is made for the non composite beam. For the composite beam the classification is more favourable for the web.