Steel Buildings in Europe

Title 5.4 Worked Example – Column Splice 6 of 8 5 – 98 End bolts, F b,Rd,end =   min b,Rd F = 3 10 1, 25 2,5 0, 61 430 20 12       = 126 kN Inner bolts, F b,Rd,inner =   max b,Rd F = 3 10 1, 25 2,5 1, 0 430 20 12       = 206 kN Thus F v,Rd <   min b,Rd F F Rd = n fp  F v,Rd = 4  68 = 272 kN F Ed = 43 kN ≤ 272 kN, OK 5.2.2. Check for horizontal shear For a bearing type splice, any horizontal shear V Ed is assumed to be resisted by friction across the splice interface. Ref [4] Basic requirement: V Ed ≤ shear resistance of splice interface Vertical load with coexistent shear 2 Ed,G Ed N h M  = 2 760 260 110 10 3   = 803 kN Shear resistance of splice interface: 803  0,2 = 161kN V Ed = 60 kN ≤ 161 kN, OK 5.3. Structural integrity 5.3.1. Tying force Check and should be carried out with: F Ed = 2 tie F F tie = 2 43 2 Ed    F = 86 kN 5.3.2. Tensile resistance of the flange cover plate Basic requirement: F tie ≤ N t,Rd Where N t,Rd =   bt,Rd u,Rd pl,Rd ; ; min N N N Tension resistance of the gross area N pl,Rd = Mu fp u,p  A f EN 1993-1-1 § 6.2.3(2) Gross area, A fp = 260  12 = 3120 mm 2 N pl,Rd = 3 10 1,1 430 3120    = 1220 kN