Steel Buildings in Europe

Part 5: Joint Design 5 – 4 1.6 Symbols a is the throat of the fillet weld b is the breadth of the supported beam d is the diameter of the bolt d 0 is the diameter of the hole f y,b is the yield strength of the supported beam f u,b is the ultimate tensile strength of the supported beam f y,p is the yield strength of the plate (end plate, fin plate, flange cover plate, base plate) f u,p is the ultimate tensile strength of the plate (end plate, fin plate, flange cover plate, base plate) f y,ac is the yield strength of the angle cleats f u,ac is the ultimate tensile strength of the angle cleats f ub is the ultimate tensile strength of the bolt h b is the height of the supported beam h p is the height of the plate (end plate, fin plate, flange cover plate) h ac is the height of the angle cleats n b is the total number of bolts on supported beam side n s is the total number of bolts on supporting beam side n 1 is the number of horizontal bolt rows n 2 is the number of vertical bolt rows t f is the flange thickness of the supported beam t w is the thickness of the supported beam web t p is the thickness of the plate (End plate, Fin plate, Flange cover plate, Base plate) t ac is the thickness of the angle cleats s is the leg length of the fillet weld  M0 is the partial factor for the resistance of cross section (  M0 = 1,0 is recommended in EN 1993-1-1)  M1 is the partial factor for the resistance of members to instability assessed by member checks (  M1 = 1,0 is recommended in EN 1993-1-1)