Steel Buildings in Europe

Part 5: Joint Design 5 – 63 4.3 Checks for tying EN 1993-1-8 does not have a partial factor for structural integrity checks. In this publication  Mu has been used. A value of  Mu = 1,1 is recommended. 4.3.1 Angle cleats and bolt group resistance Resistance of the angle cleats in bending e e 1 1 1 1 1 2 e p p p p 3 F Ed 1 1 Critical sections There are three modes of failure for angle cleats in bending: Mode 1: complete yielding of the plate Mode 2: bolt failure with yielding of the plate Mode 3: bolt failure Basic requirement: F Ed ≤ F Rd F Rd = min( F Rd,u,1 , F Rd,u,2 , F Rd,u,3 ) Mode 1 (the complete yielding of the angle cleats) F Rd,u,1 =     mn e m n n e M    w Rd,u pl,1, w 2 8 2 [EN 1993-1-8 Table 6.2] Mode 2 (bolt failure with yielding of the angle cleats) F Rd,u,2 = m n n F M   t,Rd,u Rd,u pl,2, Σ 2 [EN 1993-1-8 Table 6.2] Mode 3 (bolt failure) F Rd,u,3 = t,Rd,u Σ F [EN 1993-1-8 Table 6.2] F t,Rd,u = Mu 2 ub  k f A