Steel Buildings in Europe

Part 6: Fire Engineering 6 - 46 10. LAWSON, R. M. and NEWMAN, G. M. Structural fire design to EC3 and EC4, and comparison with BS 5950 (P159) The Steel Construction Institute, 1996 11. RACKHAM, J. W., COUCHMAN, G. H. and HICKS, S. J. Composite slabs and beams using steel decking: Best practice for design and construction - Revised edition (P300), The Steel Construction Institute, 2009 12. LAWSON, R. M. Design of composite slab (P055) The Steel Construction Institute, 1989 13. Comflor ® , Composite floor decks Corus, 2007 14. LAWSON, R. M. , MULLETT, D. L. and RACKHAM, J. W. Design of asymmetric slimflor beam using deep composite decking (P175) The Steel Construction Institute, 1997 15. MULLETT, D. L. and LAWSON, R .M. Design of slimflor fabricated beam using deep composite decking (P248) The Steel Construction Institute, 1999 16. MULLETT, D. L. Slim floor design and construction (P110) The Steel Construction Institute, 1992 17. MULLETT, D. L. Design of RHS Slimflor edge beam (P169) The Steel Construction Institute, 1992 18. BAILEY, C. G, NEWMAN, G. M, and SIMMS, W. I. Design of steel framed buildings without applied fire protection (P186) The Steel Construction Institute, 1999 19. LAWSON, R. M. and O’BRIEN, T. Fire safety of external steelwork (P009) The Steel Construction Institute, 1981 20. NEWMAN, G. M., ROBINSON, J. T. and BAILEY, C. G, Fire safe design: A new approach to multi-storey steel-framed buildings - Second Edition (P288) The Steel Construction Institute, 2006 21. BAILEY, C. G. and MOORE, D. B. The structural behaviour of steel frames with composite floor slabs subject to fire, Part 1: Theory The Structural Engineer, 2000 22. BAILEY, C. G. and MOORE, D. B. The structural behaviour of steel frames with composite floor slabs subject to fire, Part 2: Design The Structural Engineer, 2000 23. ZHAO, B. ROOSEFID, M. and VASSART, O. Full scale test of a steel and concrete composite floor exposed to ISO fire and corresponding numerical investigation Eurosteel Conference 2008, 5 th European conference on steel and composite structures, Graz, Austria, 2008