Steel Buildings in Europe

Part 8: Design Software – Section Capacity 8 - 3 2 OPERATION OF THE WORKBOOK 2.1 Introduction worksheet The “introduction” sheet merely records the scope of the spreadsheet. On the initial loading of the spreadsheet, this is the only tab visible. Choosing to “continue” reveals the remaining tabs. 2.2 Localisation Worksheet The “localisation” worksheet allows the user to select the language and the National Annex (which determines the Nationally Determined Parameters (NDPs) that are to be used in calculations). Checking the “overwrite” option allows the user to enter partial factor values of their choice. The engineering functionality which is set by the National Annex is taken from the recommended options in the Eurocodes. Deselecting the “overwrite” option leaves the National Annex selection as a blank – the user must select National Annex from the drop down menu. Default settings of Language and National Annex may be saved. The values are written to a simple text file, stored in the same folder as the workbook. Subsequent saving will merely overwrite this file. Loading defaults will import whatever settings of language and National Annex that had previously been saved. User Information User name, project name and job number may be entered. Any data entered will appear on the printed output. 2.3 Functionalities on the member resistance worksheets Each of the worksheets for axial compression, bending, combined axial compression and bending, tension, shear and point load have three buttons – “Print”, “Create new comparison file” and “Add to comparison file”. 2.3.1 Print A new sheet will open, where the user information (see section 2.2) and the details of the calculated resistance will appear. The print window will open up, where the user can select a printer and print. 2.3.2 Add to comparison file By clicking on this button, a compare worksheet will open up where the main details of the resistance calculated are registered (see Section 2.9).