Steel Buildings in Europe

Part 8: Design Software – Section Capacity 8 - 7 The top figure shows a cross-section of the selected section, to scale and the main geometric properties. The bottom figure shows the bolted detail, only when angle sections are selected. 2.7 Compression Worksheet The following data may be selected: Section type Section data is included for the following section types (profiles):  IPE  HD  HE  HL  UPE  Equal Angles  Unequal Angles Section All the standard sections within each section type are available for selection from the drop-down menu. Beam grade The steel grade for the beams may be selected from the following:  S235  S275  S355  S460 Buckling lengths  Major axis buckling length, L y  Minor axis buckling length, L z  Torsional buckling length, L T The calculated resistances are the design values of compression resistance, for flexural buckling resistance about the major axis and the minor axis ( N b,y,Rd and N b,z,Rd ) as well as the torsional buckling resistance ( N b,T,Rd ), all given in kN for the relevant buckling lengths. In addition, the worksheet displays the minimum of these values. The figure shows a cross-section of the selected section, to scale and the main geometric properties.