Steel Buildings in Europe

Part 10: Technical Software Specification for Composite Beams 10 - 15 4.3 Effects of a uniformly distributed surface load Vertical reaction at supports: R VL = R VR = – Q ( B L + B R ) L / 4 Shear force at the abscissa x from the left support: V ( x ) = R VL + Q ( B L + B R ) x / 2 Bending moment at the abscissa x from the left support: M ( x ) = R VL x + Q ( B L + B R ) x 2 /4 4.4 Combinations of actions 4.4.1 Ultimate Limit States (ULS) The combinations of actions for the ULS verifications are the fundamental combinations as defined in EN 1990 §  G G +  Q Q 1 +  Q  0,2 Q 2  G G +  Q Q 2 +  Q  0,1 Q 1 4.4.2 Serviceability Limit States (SLS) The combinations of actions for the SLS verifications (deflection, vibration) can be either the characteristic or the frequent combinations, depending on the National Annex: Characteristic combinations (EN 1990 § 6.5.3 a): G + Q 1 +  0,2 Q 2 G + Q 2 +  0,1 Q 1 Frequent combinations (EN 1990 § 6.5.3 b): G +  1,1 Q 1 +  2,2 Q 2 G +  1,2 Q 2 +  2,1 Q 1