Steel Buildings in Europe

Part 10: Technical Software Specification for Composite Beams 10 - 23 6.2.2 Degree of connection At a given design point along the beam, the degree of connection  can be calculated as follows:   c,Rd pl,Rd sc ; Min N N F   where: F sc is the design resistance of the shear connection at the design point N c,Rd is the design compression resistance of the concrete slab at the design point N pl,Rd is the design axial resistance of the structural steel. Resistance of the connection At a given design point of the beam, the resistance of the connection, F sc , is: Rd right sc, left sc, sc ) ; Min( k P n n F  where: n sc,left is the number of connectors between the left support and the design point n sc,right is the number of connectors between the right support and the design point k = 1 for a plain slab =  k for a slab made of a profiled steel sheeting with ribs parallel to the beam axis = k t for a slab made of a profiled steel sheeting with ribs perpendicular to the beam axis. Resistance of the concrete slab At a design point along the beam, defined by the abscissa x , the design resistance of the concrete slab is given by: N c,Rd = ( h f – h p ) b eff ( x )  0,85 f cd For a plain slab, h p is taken equal to 0. Resistance of the structural steel The design axial resistance of the steel section is given by: N pl,Rd = A f y /  M0