Steel Buildings in Europe

Part 10: Technical Software Specification for Composite Beams 10 - 27 6.3.6 M-V interaction When the web slenderness h w / t w exceeds 72  /  , the shear buckling criterion  bw is calculated according to 6.3.4. When this criterion is higher than 0,5, M- V interaction shall be considered. The interaction criterion is: V,Rd Ed MV M M   The bending resistance M V,Rd is calculated according to 6.3.7 with the parameter  obtained from: 2 bw,Rd Ed 2 1           V V  When shear buckling has not to be considered, V bw,Rd is replaced by V pl,Rd . If the shear criterion  V is higher than 0,5, interaction must be considered and M V,Rd is calculated according to 6.3.7 with the parameter  obtained from: 2 pl,Rd Ed 2 1           V V  6.3.7 General expression of the bending resistance The following procedure allows the user to calculate the design bending resistance, including the reduction due to the shear force. When the effect of the shear force can be neglected, the parameter  is taken equal to 0. The plastic stress distribution is shown in Figure 6.1. y pl,c y pl,a b eff ( x ) +0,85 f cd +f y /  M0 -f y /  M0 + (1-  ) f y /  M0 - (1-  ) f y /  M0 Figure 6.1 Plastic stress distribution with partial connection