Steel Buildings in Europe

Part 2: Concept Design 2 - 1 1 INTRODUCTION Single storey buildings use steel framed structures and metallic cladding of all types. Large open spaces can be created, which are efficient, easy to maintain and are adaptable as demand changes. Single storey buildings are a “core” market for steel. However, the use of steel in this type of construction varies in each European country. Single storey buildings tend to be large enclosures, but may require space for other uses, such as offices, handling and transportation, overhead cranes etc. Therefore, many factors have to be addressed in their design. Increasingly, architectural issues and visual impact have to be addressed and many leading architects are involved in modern single storey buildings. This section describes the common forms of single storey buildings that may be designed and their range of application. Regional differences may exist depending on practice, regulations and capabilities of the supply chain. 1.1 Hierarchy of design decisions The development of a design solution for a single storey building, such as a large enclosure or industrial facility is more dependent on the activity being performed and future requirements for the space than other building types, such as commercial and residential buildings. Although these building types are primarily functional, they are commonly designed with strong architectural involvement dictated by planning requirements and client ‘branding’. The following overall design requirements should be considered in the concept design stage of industrial buildings and large enclosures, depending on the building form and use:  Space use, for example, specific requirements for handling of materials or components in a production facility  Flexibility of space in current and future use  Speed of construction  Environmental performance, including services requirements and thermal performance  Aesthetics and visual impact  Acoustic isolation, particularly in production facilities  Access and security  Sustainability considerations  Design life and maintenance requirements, including end of life issues. To enable the concept design to be developed, it is necessary to review these considerations based on the type of single storey building. For example, the requirements for a distribution centre will be different to a manufacturing