Steel Buildings in Europe

Part 2: Concept Design 2 - 15 The facility is relatively close to the site boundary, which meant that the boundary elevations had to have special consideration. A fire load case was analysed and the column bases designed to resist the overturning moment from grossly deformed rafters. The cladding on the “boundary” elevations was also specified to prevent fire spread. The 380 t of steelwork in the project was erected in six weeks. 2.2 Supermarket, Esch, Luxembourg Figure 2.2 Supermarket in Esch , Luxembourg using curved cellular beams Curved 20 m span cellular beams were used to provide an exposed steel structure in a supermarket in Esch, Luxembourg, as shown in Figure 2.2. The beams used HEB 450 sections that were cut and re-welded to form beams with 400 mm diameter openings. The curved cellular frames were placed 7,5 m apart and the columns were also 7,5 m high and are illustrated in Figure 2.3. The structure was designed using fire engineering principles to achieve an equivalent 90 minutes fire resistance without additional fire protection.