Steel Buildings in Europe

Part 2: Concept Design 2 - 21 3 h h 1 2 1 Moment at the “sharp” end of the haunch 2 Maximum sagging moment 3 Haunch length Figure 3.3 Rafter bending moment and haunch length The final frames of a portal frame are generally called gable frames. Gable frames may be identical to the internal frames, even though they experience lighter loads. If future extension to the building is envisaged, portal frames are commonly used as the gable frames, to reduce the impact of the structural works. A typical gable frame is shown in Figure 3.4. 4 3 5 1 2 1 Rafter 2 Column 3 Personnel door 4 Roller shutter door 5 Dado wall (brickwork) Figure 3.4 Typical details of an end gable of a portal frame building