Steel Buildings in Europe

Part 2: Concept Design 2 - 27 3.5 Connections 3.5.1 Eaves connection A typical eaves connection is shown in Figure 3.12. In almost all cases a compression stiffener in the column (as shown, at the bottom of the haunch) will be required. Other stiffeners may be required to increase the bending resistance of the column flange, adjacent to the tension bolts, and to increase the shear resistance of the column web panel. The haunch is generally fabricated from a similar size beam to the rafter (or larger), or fabricated from equivalent plate. Typically, the bolts may be M24 8.8 and the end plate 25 mm thick S275. 2 1 1 Haunch 2 Compression stiffener Figure 3.12 Typical eaves connection 3.5.2 Apex connection A typical apex connection is shown in Figure 3.13. The apex connection primarily serves to increase the depth of the member to make a satisfactory bolted connection. The apex haunch is usually fabricated from the same member as the rafter, or from equivalent plate. Typically, the bolts may be M24 8.8 and the end plate 25 mm thick S275. Figure 3.13 Typical apex connection