Steel Buildings in Europe
Part 3: Actions 3 - 5 Permanent actions Leading variable action Accompanying variable actions E d = 1 k, j G, j j G + Q,1 k,1 Q + 1 k,i 0,i Q,i i Q (6.10) E d = 1 k, j G, j j G + k,1 Q,1 0,1 Q + 1 k,i 0,i Q,i i Q (6.10a) E d = 1 k, j G, j j G + Q,1 k,1 Q + 1 k,i 0,i Q,i i Q (6.10b) G k and Q k are found in EN 1991 or its National Annex. G and Q are found in Table A1.2(A) for static equilibrium (EQU); Tables A1.2(B) and A1.2(C) for rupture (STR and/or GEO) of EN 1990 or in the National Annex. Table 3.1 gives the recommended values of the partial factors. Table 3.1 Recommended values of partial factors Table (EN 1990) Limit state Gj,inf Gj,sup Q,1 = Q,I Q,1 = Q,I A1.2(A) EQU 0,90 1,10 1,50 1,50 A1.2(B) STR/GEO 1,00 1,35 1,50 1,50 A1.2(C) STR/GEO 1,00 1,00 1,30 1,30 0 factors are found in EN 1990 Table A1.1 or in its National Annex. This factor varies between 0,5 and 1 except for roofs of category H ( 0 = 0). ξ is a reduction factor for permanent loads. According to EN 1990 Table A1.2(B), the recommended value for buildings is ξ = 0,85. The National Annex may specify a different value. For example, according to expression 6.10: 1. With snow as the leading variable action: E d = 1,35 G + 1,5 S + (1,5 0,6) W = 1,35 G + 1,5 S + 0,9 W 2. With wind as the leading variable action: E d = 1,35 G + 1,5 W + (1,5 0,5) S = 1,35 G + 1,5 W + 0,75 S 3.2.4 Combinations of actions for accidental design situations Combinations of actions for accidental design situations should either involve an explicit accidental action or refer to a situation after an accident event. Permanent actions Accidental action Leading variable action Accompanying variable actions E d = 1 k, j j G + A d + ( 1,1 or 2,1 ) k,1 Q + 1 k,i 0,i Q,i i Q
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