Steel Buildings in Europe

3 - 36 APPENDIX A. Worked Example: Snow load applied on a single-storey building 1 of 8 Made by DC Date 02/2009 Calculation sheet Checked by AB Date 03/2009 1. Data This worked example deals with the single-storey building shown below. B A’ A 25,00 m B’ Plan view 3,00 m 10% 25,00 m 15% b 2 = 10,00 m b 1 = 40,00 m 1 1,25 m 6,00 m 10,25 m 0,75 m 1 Cross-section BB’ Cross-section AA’ 1 Parapets Figure A.1– Geometry of the building 2. Snow load on the ground Characteristic value s k of snow load on the ground: s k = 0,65 kN/m 2 Coefficient for exceptional snow load: C esl = 2 EN 1991-1-3 § 4.3 Exceptional snow on the ground: s Ad = C esl s k = 2  0,65 = 1,30 kN/m 2