Steel Buildings in Europe

Title APPENDIX D Worked Example: Design of portal frame using elastic analysis 23 of 44 4 - 104 For C my , the relevant braced points are the torsional restraints at the end of the member. The interaction factor, k yy , is calculated as follows: k yy =                              b,y,Rd Ed my b,y,Rd Ed y my 1 0,8 ; 0, 2 1 min N N C N N C  From table B.3, C my is: C my =  0, 6 0, 4   0,4 0   C my = 0, 6 0, 4 0   = 0,6 k yy =                        3937 ; 0, 6 1 0,8 168 3937 min 0, 6 1 0,385 0, 2 168 =   min 0, 605; 0, 620 = 0,605 b,Rd y,Ed yy b,y,Rd Ed M M k N N  = 640 0 , 605 616 3937 168  = 0,625 < 1,0 OK Validity of column section In Section 7.4 it has been demonstrated that the cross-sectional resistance of the section is greater than the applied forces. The out-of-plane and in-plane buckling checks have been verified in Sections 7.5 and 7.6 for the appropriate choice of restraints along the column. Therefore it is concluded that the IPE 450 section in S355 steel is appropriate for use as columns in this portal frame. Rafter: IPE 450 1345 1345 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 351 kNm 354 kNm 111 kNm 298 kNm