Steel Buildings in Europe

Title APPENDIX D Worked Example: Design of portal frame using elastic analysis 38 of 44 4 - 119 8.2. Cross-sectional resistance IPE 450 IPE 500 3 1 2 4 5 5° 298 kNm 383 kNm 471 kNm 562 kNm 661 kNm 701 kNm 725 3020 8.2.1. Shear resistance The shear area of cross-section No.1 can be conservatively estimated as: A v = A  ( bt f ) topfl  ( bt f ) botfl = 190 14, 6 210 17 , 2 15045     = 8659 mm 2 V pl,Rd =   M0 v y 3  A f =   3 10 1, 0 355 3 8659   = 1775 kN V Ed = 147 kN < 1775 kN OK EN 1993-1-1 §6.2.6 Bending and shear interaction: When shear force and bending moment act simultaneously on a cross-section, the shear force can be ignored if it is smaller than 50% of the plastic shear resistance. V Ed = 147 kN < 0,5 V pl,Rd = 888 kN Therefore the effect of the shear force on the moment resistance may be neglected. The same calculation must be carried out for the remaining cross-sections. The table below summarizes the shear resistance verification for the haunched member: Table 3 Shear verification for cross-sections 1 to 5 Cross- section no. V Ed (kN) A v (mm 2 ) V pl,Rd (kN) V Ed  V Rd 0,5 V Rd (kN) Bending and shear interaction 1 147 8659 1775 Yes 888 No 2 140 7484 1534 Yes 767 No 3 132 6300 1291 Yes 646 No 4 125 5115 1048 Yes 524 No 5 118 5082 1042 Yes 521 No