Steel Buildings in Europe
Title APPENDIX D Worked Example: Design of portal frame using elastic analysis 43 of 44 4 - 124 9,4 210 104 17,2 Area of T-section: A f = 4590 mm 2 Second moment of area about the minor axis: I f,z =1328 10 4 mm 4 Compression in the T-section The total equivalent compression in the T-section is calculated for cross-section No.1 by adding the direct axial compression and the compression due to bending. N Ed,f = f el,y Ed f Ed A W M A N A = 4590 10 4527 661 10 15045 4590 129 3 6 = 670 kN Verification of buckling resistance about the minor axis Buckling curve c is used for hot rolled sections z 0,49 1 = y f E = 355 210000 = 76,4 i f,z = f f,z A I = 4590 10 1328 4 = 53,8 f,z = f,z 1 cr 1 i L = 76, 4 1 53,8 2740 = 0,667 z = 2 f,z z f,z 0,2 0,51 z = 2 0,51 0,49 0,667 0,2 0,667 = 0,837 EN 1993-1-1 § z = 2 f,z 2 z z 1 = 2 2 0, 667 0,837 0,837 1 = 0,745 EN 1993-1-1 § N b,z,Rd = M0 y z Af = 3 10 1, 0 355 4590 0, 745 = 1214 kN N Ed,f = 670 kN < 1214 kN OK
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