Steel Buildings in Europe

Part 4: Detailed Design of Portal Frames 4 - 70 Table A.1 Typical horizontal deflection limits Country Structure Deflection limits u Comments France Portal frames without gantry cranes Buildings with no particular requirements regarding the deflection. Deflection at the top of the columns H /150 Difference of deflection between two consecutive portal frames B /150 Values are given in the French National Annex to EN 1993-1-1 and should be used if nothing else is agreed with the client. The values of the deflections calculated from the characteristic combinations should be compared to these limits. Member supporting metal cladding Post H /150 Rail B /150 Other single-storey buildings Buildings with particular requirements regarding the deflection (brittle walls, appearance etc.. Deflection at the top of the columns H /250 Difference of deflection between two consecutive portal frames B /200 Germany There are no national deflection limits. The limits should be taken from manufacturers instructions (technical approvals) or should be agreed with the client. Spain Portal frames (without fragile elements susceptible to failure in the envelopes, façade and roof) H/150 Values are given in the national technical document for steel structures] and in the Technical Building Code and should be used if nothing else is agreed with the client. Single-storey buildings with horizontal roofs (without fragile elements susceptible to failure in the envelopes, façade and roof) H/300