Steel Buildings in Europe

Part 4: Detailed Design of Portal Frames 4 - 77 Table C.1 C 1 factor End Moment Loading  C 1 M  M -1    +1 +1,00 +0,75 +0,50 +0,25 0,00 –0,25 –0,50 –0,75 –1,00 1,00 1,17 1,36 1,56 1,77 2,00 2,24 2,49 2,76 Intermediate Transverse Loading 0,94 1,17 2/3 1/3 0,62 2,60 0,86 1,35 0,77 1,69 C.2 M cr for members with discrete restraints to the tension flange It is possible to take beneficial account of restraints to the tension flange. This may lead to a greater buckling resistance of the member. Tension flange restraint is usually provided by elements connected to the tension flange of the member (e.g. purlins). The spacing between tension flange restraints must satisfy the requirements for L m as given in § BB.3.1.1 in EN 1993-1-1. C.2.1 General expression For the general case of a beam of varying depth but symmetrical about the minor axis, subject to a non-uniform moment: cr0 m 2 cr M c C M  for beams with a linearly varying moment diagram or cr0 n 2 cr M c C M  for beams with a non-linearly varying moment diagram where M cr0 is the critical moment for a beam subject to uniform moment. Expressions of M cr0 is given in C.2.2 c accounts for taper ( c = 1 for uniform straight member) The value of c is given by EN 1993-1-1 Annex BB.3.3.3 based on the