Steel Buildings in Europe

4 - 82 APPENDIX D Worded Example: Design of portal frame using elastic analysis 1 of 44 Made by CZT Date 12/2009 Calculation sheet Checked by DGB Date 12/2009 1. Elastic analysis of a single bay portal frame This example covers the design of a portal frame for a single-storey building, using the elastic method of global analysis. Only gravity loads are covered in this example. The frame uses hot rolled I sections for rafters and columns. 2. Frame geometry 5° CL 30000 6000 5275 3020 Spacing of portal frames = 7,2 m The cladding to the roof and walls is supported by purlins and side rails. The purlins have been provisionally located at intervals of between 1500 mm and 1800 mm as shown. The side rails are provisionally located at intervals of no more than 2000 mm. The rafter and column verifications may require these locations to be modified.