Steel Buildings in Europe

Title APPENDIX D Worked Example: Design of portal frame using elastic analysis 3 of 44 4 - 84 3. Loads 3.1. Permanent loads G = G self-weight + G roof G self-weight : self-weight of the beams G roof : roofing with purlins G roof = 0,30 kN/m 2  for an internal frame: G roof = 0,30 × 7,20 = 2,16 kN/m EN 1991-1-1 = 2,16 kN/m + self weight G 30 m 3.2. Snow loads The characteristic value for snow loading on the roof for a specific location in a given country at certain altitude has been calculated as: s k = 0,618 kN/m²  for an internal frame: s = 0,618 × 7,20 = 4,45 kN/m EN 1991-1-3 30 m = 4,45 kN/m s 3.3. Imposed load on roof Characteristic values for loading on the roof (type H: not accessible). q k = 0,4 kN/m 2  for an internal frame: q k = 0,4 × 7,20 = 2,88 kN/m EN 1991-1-1 Table 6.10 30 m Q k = 2,88 kN/m