Steel Buildings in Europe

Title Appendix B Worked Example: Design of a truss node with gusset 18 of 44 5 - 97 Table B.3 Connection N3 – Gusset component – Design shear loads in kN in the   h v , reference system Bolt b 1 b 2 b 3 b 4 b 5 b 6 V,bi,Ed F 164,03 136,88 146,49 87,30 69,98 114,31 V,bi,h,Ed F -20,21 -75,65 -131,10 -2,97 -58,41 -113,86 V,bi,v,Ed F 162,78 114,07 65,36 87,25 38,54 -10,17 Design details The structure is not exposed to the weather or other corrosive influences. We have to verify the design details in the two directions of the components of loading. By considering the limits specified in Table 3.3 of EN 1993-1-8, we have to satisfy the following checks: EN 1993-1-8 3.5 (1) and Table 3.3   0 1 2 1, 2 ; min d e e    0 1 2 2, 2 ; min d p p  or   0 1 2 1, 2 ; min d p p  if 0 2, 4 d L      min 14 ; 200mm ; max 1 2 t p p  EN 1993-1-8 Table 3.3 5) For e 1 and e 2 observe the minimum end and edge distances according to the directions Gh and Gv . And For p 1 and p 2 consider the spacing according to the directions Gh’ and Gv’ . The design details are verified in the table below. Table B.4 Connection N3 – Gusset component – Design details Distance or spacing Minimum value Design value Maximum value   1 2 e e ; min 31,2 57   1 2 p p ; min 31,2 60   1 2 p p ; max 65 200 Design bearing resistance F b,Rd for each bolt Table 3.4 of EN 1993-1-8 gives the expressions for the determination of the design bearing resistance. These expressions bring into play two coefficients b  and 1 k . EN 1993-1-8 Table 3.4 For each bolt the value of these coefficients depend on the orientation of its loading, its location compared with the ends of the gusset but also with the location of the other bolts. So we are considering successively the horizontal loading (loads in the direction Gh ) and the vertical loading (loads in the direction Gv ).