Steel Buildings in Europe

Title Appendix B Worked Example: Design of a truss node with gusset 33 of 44 5 - 112 Determination of the design bearing resistance F b,Rd for each bolts Horizontal loading The horizontal loading coming from the results of Table B.14 is shown on the Figure B.27 b 1 b 2 b 3 b 4  b  b  b k 1 k 1 Figure B.27 Connection N1 – Gusset component – Horizontal loading Table B.16 gives the value of the horizontal component of the design bearing resistances F b,bi,h,Rd . Table B.16 Connection N1 – Gusset component – Horizontal component of the design bearing resistances in kN Bolt b 1 b 2 b 3 b 4 e 1 80 54 e 2 124 76 p 1 65 1) 65 p 2 65 1) 65 1) 65 1) 65 1) b,inner  b,end  b,inner  b,end  b  0,58 1,00 0,58 0,69 1,min k 3) 1,min k 3) 1,inner k 1,inner k 1 k 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 b,bi,h,Rd F 154,22 264,38 154,22 183,04 1)   L min 65; 2)   ; 1,end inner 1, min 1,min k k k 