Steel Buildings in Europe

Title Appendix B Worked Example: Design of a truss node with gusset 39 of 44 5 - 118 Table B.23 Connection N1 – Angle component – Vertical component of the design bearing resistances in kN Bolt b 1 b 2 b 3 b 4 e 1 33 e 2 67,5 35 p 1 1) 68,24 68,24 68,24 p 2 65 65 65 65 b,inner  b,inner  b,end  b,inner  b  0,62 0,62 0,42 0,62 1,min k 2) 1,inner k 1,min k 2) 1,inner k 1 k 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,80 b,bi,h,Rd F 165,19 165,19 111,85 165,19 1) the distance L have been retained 2)   ; 1,end inner 1, min 1,min k k k  Determination of the design slip resistance F s ,Rd For the angle component, the number of the friction surfaces is equal to 1. So with n = 1 we obtain: p,C M3 s S,Rd F k n F    = 98,84 kN EN 1993-1-8 3.9 EN 1993-1-8 3.9.1 (2) Checking bolts – Individual checking Each bolt has to be verified. Table B.24 summarizes only the checks for the bolt b 2 . Table B.24 Connection N1 – Angle component – Checking bolt b 2 Design values Resistance values V,b1,Ed F 95,41 98,84 S,Rd F b1,h,Ed V, F 81,44 169,16 b1,h,Rd b, F b1,v,Ed V, F 49,70 165,19 b1,v,Rd b, F 2 b1,v,Rd b, b1,v,Ed V, 2 b1,h,Rd b, b1,h,Ed V,              F F F F 0,32 1 Checking bolts – Group of fasteners For the angle we can consider only the horizontal component: r,b,h,Rd g F = 488,73 kN And we verify that: 203,45 1, ,  a Ed N < 488, 73kN r,b,h,Rd  g F