Steel Buildings in Europe

Part 5: Detailed Design of Trusses 5 - 41 where: The k yz factor is: cr,z Ed y mz yz 1 N k C N    0,863 2594 624,4 1 0,915 0,544 2594 1 624,4 1 1 cr,y Ed v y cr,y Ed y          N N N N    1,012 1539 1 0,03 624,4 1 0,03 cr,z Ed mz      N N C 1,47 1539 1 624,4 0,863 1,012 yz     k The k zz factor is: cr,z Ed z mz 1 N k C N zz    0,691 1539 624,4 1 0,915 0,378 1539 1 624,4 1 1 cr,z Ed v z cr,z Ed z          N N N N    1,18 1539 1 624,4 0,691 1,012 zz     k From which: 0,465 1 355 /1,0 167000 2,20 10 1,47 355 /1,0 8600 0,915 0,544 624400 6          0,635 1 355 /1,0 167000 1,18 2,20 10 355 /1,0 8600 0,915 0,378 624400 6         When the bending moment due to self weight of the diagonal is taken into account, the resistance criterion increases from 0,591 to 0,635: that is an increase of 7%. 4.2 Verification of members in tension A particular feature when checking the resistance of tension members is the existence of criteria which bring into play the net section of the member. This is explored for the worked example.