Steel Buildings in Europe

Title APPENDIX A Worked Example: Design of a continuous chord connection using splice plate connections 11 of 24 5 - 64 N w F V,Ed,w  b  b k 1 k 1  b,inner k 1,end  b,inner k 1,inner  b,inner k 1,end  b,end k 1,end  b,end k 1,inner  b,end k 1,end b 4 b 5 b 6 b 1 b 2 b 3 Figure A.7 Connection of the webs – Web component – Determination of type of bolts The determination of coefficients k 1 is carried out perpendicularly to the direction of load transfer. But two directions are conceivable for this perpendicular and it is difficult for some bolts ( b 1 , b 4, b 3, and b 6 ) to determine if they are end or inner bolts. In these cases we consider the minimum value of k 1,inner and k 1,end . And by noticing that   1,end 1,end 1,inner ; min k k k  , these bolts are considered as end bolts. In addition, for the web component, it is reminded that the edge distance e 2 is not applicable because of the proximity of the flange. So, the expressions of k 1,inner and k 1,end are identical. As the design shear force is identical for each bolt and furthermore: k 1,inner = k 1,end = 2,50 So only one row of bolts is considered, for example the bolts b 1 and b 4 . Then, for the bolt b 1 : 0,79 b,b1,end b,b1     109,01kN b,b1,Rd,w  F And for the bolt b 4 : 0,92 inner b4, b, b,b4     126,23kN b,b4,Rd,w  F