Steel Buildings in Europe
Title APPENDIX A Worked Example: Design of a continuous chord connection using splice plate connections 24 of 24 5 - 77 For the cases with a concentric loading, only the case giving the minimum area in tension is considered: With : 2 0 p 2 0 2 nt 504mm ); 2( 0,5 ) min ( t d e p d A 2 0 p 1 1 nv 3220mm 2( 2 2,5 ) d t e p A Then: 865, 60kN eff,1,Rd V And: 495, 49kN 865, 60 f eff,1,Rd N V A nt A nv A nv A nt A nv A nt A nv V p N p N p 1 3 2 1 First block tearing with concentric loading 2 Second block tearing with concentric loading 3 Block tearing with eccentric loading Figure A.14 Connection of the flanges - Block tearing for plate component For the case with an eccentric loading, with: 2 0 p 1 1 nt 1610mm ( 2 2,5 ) d t e p A 2 0 p nv 1316mm ( 2 2 1,5 ) d t e p A Then: 598,17 kN eff,2,Rd V And: 0,85kN 598,17 p eff,2,Rd V V So we have just verified successively the bolt group according to the two loadings. An additional requirement based on an interactive expression should be fulfilled: 1, 0 ; min , 3 , 2 , , 2 , 1 , , 1 , 1 , block Rd eff p bloc Rd eff block Rd eff p V V V V N Then: 0,57 1, 0 598,17 0,85 865, 60 495, 49 OK
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