Steel Buildings in Europe

Part 7: Fire Engineering 7 - 65 Table A.3 Summary of maximum compartment sizes Area given by simplified method (m 2 ) Safety category Without fire resistance requirement With fire resistance requirement K1 K2 2700 4500 K3 5400-7500 K4 10000 R0 R30 A comparison of these methods, the options available and responsibilities of the designer, can be seen in table A.3. In order to contain the industrial building in one single fire compartment without requirements for the load- bearing structure, it is necessary to install an automatic sprinkler system when using the simplified method. When using the full verification method and respecting the given conditions, a fire compartment of 4800 m² is possible. To achieve one fire compartment of 5000 m², at least one plant fire service must be present. With a fire resistance requirement of R30 for the load bearing structure, at least one plant fire service is required for the simplified method (according to the table). With a fire detector system, however, only one fire compartment area of 4500 m² is possible. With the full verification method, a fire compartment surface of 5989 m² is possible. Based on the results of the different methods, the designer’s task is clearly defined. He should not only develop one fire protection concept, but has to demonstrate alternative and more economical procedures to the client in relation to the various production processes.