Steel Buildings in Europe

Part 7: Fire Engineering 7 - v Contents Page No FOREWORD iii SUMMARY vi 1 INTRODUCTION 1 2 FIRE RISKS IN SINGLE-STOREY BUILDINGS 2 2.1 Fire safety objectives 2 2.2 Fire risk analysis 2 2.3 Main requirements of current fire regulations 3 3 PRACTICAL FIRE ENGINEERING OPTIONS IN THE EUROCODES 6 3.1 Current design approaches 6 3.2 Fire analysis 7 3.3 Heat transfer analysis 8 3.4 Structural analysis 8 4 GUIDANCE ON APPROPRIATE FIRE ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS 10 4.1 Field of application of different design methods 10 4.2 Choice of optimum design approach 11 5 DIRECT USE OF SIMPLE ENGINEERING OPTIONS FOR USE BY NON SPECIALISTS 12 5.1 Fire models 12 5.2 Thermal Models 16 5.3 Structural Models 21 5.4 Specific design rules for single-storey buildings 31 5.5 Simplified design methods 33 5.6 Design recommendations 37 6 GUIDANCE ON THE USE OF MORE ADVANCED SOLUTIONS 47 6.1 Fire models 47 6.2 Thermal Models 50 6.3 Structural models 51 REFERENCES 56 APPENDIX A German fire safety procedure for single-storey industrial and commercial buildings 57