Steel Buildings in Europe

Part 9: Introduction to Computer Software 9 - 1 1 INTRODUCTION Design in accordance with the Eurocodes may be facilitated by the use of software. In many cases, the verifications required by the Standard can be readily programmed into simple spreadsheets or into more complex programmes, which minimise the manual effort and reduce the risk of numerical errors. In many countries, software has been written for the purpose of facilitating design to the Eurocodes and has been made freely available. This publication presents a summary of software that is available, at March 2010. All the software listed in this document is freely available. No endorsement of any of the software programmes listed in this document should be presumed. Equally, the omission of existing software from the listing does not imply that it is inappropriate, inaccurate or non-endorsed. More software will undoubtedly become available as design to the Eurocodes becomes more widespread. Apart from the list of freely available software presented here, there are numerous software houses that provide comprehensive analysis and design packages, covering all aspects of steel building design, as described in this guide. 1.1 Software listing In Section 2, software is listed under the following headings:  Member design, such as beams and columns  Composite construction  Cellular beam design  Analysis of frames  Portal frames  Simple connections  Moment resisting connections  Fire  Seismic For each item of software, the following details are listed:  Scope . A general description of the software  Design Standard . The design standard may be the published Eurocode, but may be early versions of the Standard. Users must ensure that the version of the Eurocode is appropriate.  National Annex . Which National Annex is covered in the software, if any  Source . Where the software can be obtained (web site)  Language . The language used in the software