Steel Buildings in Europe

Part 10: Model Construction Specification 10 - 33 made for controlled braking of the moving mass. Provision for reversing the direction of movement may need to be considered. All temporary anchoring devices shall be made secure against unintentional release. Only jacks that can be locked in any position under load shall be used unless other safety provisions are made. Care shall be taken that no part of the structure is permanently distorted or over-stressed by stacking of steelwork components or by erection loads during the erection process. Each part of the structure shall be aligned as soon as practicable after it has been erected and final assembly completed as soon as possible thereafter. Permanent connections shall not be made between components until sufficient of the structure has been aligned, levelled, plumbed and temporarily connected to ensure that components will not be displaced during subsequent erection or alignment of the remainder of the structure. Alignment of the structure and lack-of-fit in connections may be adjusted by the use of shims (see above). If lack-of-fit between erected components cannot be corrected by the use of shims, components of the structure shall be locally modified in accordance with the methods specified in EN 1090-2. The modifications shall not compromise the performance of the structure in the temporary or permanent state. This work may be executed on site. Care shall be taken with structures built of welded latticed components and space structures to ensure that they are not subjected to excessive forces in an attempt to force a fit against their inherent rigidity. Unless otherwise prohibited in the contract documents, drifts may be used to align connections. Elongation of holes for bolts used for transmission of loads shall not be more than the values given in § 6.9 of EN 1090-2. In case of misalignment of holes for bolts, the method of correction shall be checked for consistency with the requirements of § 12 of EN 1090-2. Realigned holes may be proven to comply with the oversize or slotted hole requirements specified in 8.1 of EN 1090-2, provided the load path has been checked. Correction of misalignment by reaming or using a hollow milling cutter is preferred, but if the use of other cutting methods is unavoidable, the internal finish of all holes formed by these other methods shall be specifically checked for consistency with the requirements of § 6 of EN 1090-2. Completed site connections shall be checked in accordance with 12.5 of EN 1090-2. Erection tolerances are detailed in § 11.2.3 and Tables D.1.11 to D.1.15 and Tables D.2.19 to D.2.28 of Annex D of EN 1090-2.