info-steel-23 enabling innovation in construction &60 QY (BE) Vörösmarty Tér 1 Multifunctional Building in Budapest (HU) An imaginative concept allowed the design of the building to be immediately recognized. 6FLD (QJLQHHU proved to be extremely useful; the software generated a full 3D model of the complex geometry by importing a 3D digital CAD-model. The internal forces were also used to calculate the connections (steel-steel and steel- concrete). 1H\ 3DUWQHUV (BE) 2I¿FH %XLOGLQJ )DFHOLIW 8PLFRUH LQ Hoboken (BE) The originality and prestige of this project is combined with the high technical com- plexity and the use of the 6FLD (QJLQHHU software to the limit. Especially the com- plex material and structural model using a mix of curved shells, inclined columns and ORQJ WHUP DQDO\VLV RI FUHHS DQG GHÀHFWLRQ make it a very interesting project. On site measurement proved the accuracy of the calculation. %(6,; (UAE) The Tornado Building in Doha (Qatar) Despite of the complexity of the model, the Scia software gives results in a relative short time (10 min. for the base model). This allows the user to run several sensitivity studies quickly and effectively, in order to come to the most economical design. The software offers a large range of basic and advanced modeling and calculation facilities (stability, dynamics, seismic analysis, concrete and steel design…). /HV JDJQDQWV GX 1HPHWVFKHN (QJLQHHULQJ 8VHU &RQWHVW VRQW FRQQXV 6RXKDLWH] YRXV XQ H[HPSODLUH JUDWXLW GX OLYUH SUHVWLJLHX[ " 9LVLWH] QRWUH VLWH ZHE ZZZ VFLD RQOLQH FRP RX FRQWDFWH] %ULJLWWH /RJQDUG DX RX RX E ORJQDUG#VFLD EH 1H\ 3DUWQHUV 2IÀFH %XLOGLQJ ¶)DFHOLIW 8PLFRUH· +RERNHQ :,11(5 &DW CSM nv - Vörösmarty Tér 1, multifunctional building, Budapest :,11(5 &DW %(6,; 7KH 7RUQDGR 'RKD 3UL]H RI WKH -XU\ Iv-Consult - Hard-coal power station, Karlsruhe Rheinhafen :,11(5 &DW 0RWW 0DF'RQDOG V U R %ULGJH RYHU 9OWDYD ULYHU LQ 3UDJXH 7URMD :,11(5 &DW